Our Blog...Our Journey

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Let's have some fun!

Below are the two most pregnant mommies on the farm.
Ellie...our breeding sow, pregnant with her first litter.
Angie, our Colorado baby, pregnant with her first set of kidds.

So, just for fun. let's play a game:
Place your guess as to who will deliver first, by how many days, hours and minutes.
The winner will receive a brand new... not released yet... bar of Shea Butter soap!
Place your guess by commenting on our blog...www.udderjoyfarms.blogspot.com
I will keep all guesses up there, so you have an idea of what people have guessed!

Hint: Both animals are scheduled to deliver between the 16th-19th of April? But you know how that goes! :O)

BTW...Ellie is feeling better and better...but keep praying! :O)


  1. Ok April babies are special!
    Ellie April 15th 4:45pm
    Angie April 20th 2:23pm

  2. Ok Mary...April 15th works for me...it's a Saturday and it barely misses my hair color appt on the 14th! Thxs for your guess! :O)

  3. Patrick says Angie will go the 17th at 630pm and Ellie 14th 5am.

    Leslies says Ellie will go 14th at 730pm and Angie 17th at 830 pm.

  4. Ellie on the 16th @ 2:34 pm. Angie on the 17th @ 8:02 am. You will be very tired the evening of the 17th. *wink* - Tami

  5. Wow guys...you have really got me hopping haven't you! :O)

  6. Ellie on the 15th @ 1:30p.m
    Angie on the 17th @ 3:25p.m


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