Our Blog...Our Journey

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Oh Kyle!

Ok so this really has nothing much to do with the farm, but it is still funny to me. All day today someone has been texting me asking me if I would be interested in a bed they had...a pretty cool bed too! Multiple times this text has come...with pics! However, each time it has come under this strange name that I did not recognize. Finally I texted this person back this morning and asked who they were. They responded by letting me know who the BED previously belonged too. How nice, except what I needed to know was who is this who is texting me asking if I want the bed?!? So I responded today asking who they were and low and behold...it was my very own MOTHER!?!   Unfortunately, I have Kyle's old cell phone and apparently he has little names for all his contacts...names of which I do not know! Take Gary for instance: his name on Kyle's phone is, "Ole Man Pops"   Understand my confusion...I never know who is calling or texting me!
Love your fun spirit Kyle! :)

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