Our Blog...Our Journey

Thursday, January 26, 2012

2nd Agri-Tourism Class

Yesterday was our 2nd Agri-Tourism Class. Gary and I were both able to attend together this time, which was really great! Met some amazing people. I just love hearing people tell about thier passions and dreams and I love meeting other people who dream as big as I do. We were blessed to sit among some wonderful people and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to their upcoming ventures.

We learned a ton and found out that we really aren't alone in this pursuit at all. There are all kinds of others just like us moving in the same direction and more importantly that there are people out there who desire to support and come along side us newbies. That is music to the ears when your doing what were doing!

One of the men we met has a Grade B sheep dairy in Caruthers and was interested in coming along side us during our pursuit for our Grade B. This license would allow us to produce and sell cheese and ice-cream. This would be a huge blessing to our farm. The cheese sales alone could boost us to a whole new level. So very exciting stuff...although Grade B permitting is a lot of funds and permits, but definitely reachable according to our new friend...Abe!

All in all a super great day! :)

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