Our Blog...Our Journey

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fresh is sooo good!

Busy day today! So much goodness....cleaned out the fridge and pantry...alot of work, but so great feeling when it's all done....weeded the garden and harvested a bunch of squash and some peppers.
And of course, made some fantastic strawberry goat milk yogurt! Great day. :O)
Even the goats had a wonderfully relaxing day! :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pumpkin Time!

Joshua and I finally got our pumpkins in the ground.....a little late, but that's ok! With the proper love and care ( and some Miracle Grow) we will hit 100 days on October 31st! If we miss Halloween, then we will make fresh pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving! We will probably do that anyway. Of course i will have to have The Ladies teach me, but that's ok! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God is so Good!

When Lily was born, I really did look up to heaven and ask, "why Lord?" She was so tiny and frail...I mean what could possibly be the purpose. While feeding her the other day at 5am!?!....The Lord told me that he had a possible home for her. He said I needed to make her available and he would place her where she was supposed to be. Well, today Lily met her new potential family! I know and trust that she will be sooooo loved and cherished....I am nothing short of overjoyed for her. And she just happen to go to my three favorite kids ever....Robyn, Jeffery and Mackenzie...and with the best friend ever...Tami! Thank you guys for blessing Lily, myself & our farm! Love you all...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update on the baby...

Well...for awhile it seemed she wouldn't make it, but I am happy to report that tiny little no name is doing wonderful! She is standing now and walking...yesterday she made it all the way across the front lawn (the short way, but still!) :) Trust me that is a long haul for her. The seizures have, for the maost part stopped and her balance seems to have stabilized quite a bit...she isn't falling over to her left anymore. She is however tiny beyond tiny! Yesterday she was starring at Joy...you remember Joy don't you? That tiny little bottle baby who's belly now resembles Santa Claus (that's her nickname on the farm)! Anyway...the baby is like 1/3 of Joy!
I do believe though that she is gonna be just fine!
So here's the deal....I wanna find her a home where she can be. I'm looking for someone who only wants one little goat. She would have to be a pet, never milked, bred, or put out with a herd. She will be wonderfu because of her upbringing and because we are never going to introduce her to the Herd. Because we want her to be so loved, we will give her to this home. She will graze so she will have purpose, but you will have to keep her close to the house....because YOU will be her herd. Let me know if anyone is interested.
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