Our Blog...Our Journey

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Bad.....

So I came home yesterday already exhausted just thinkin about having to milks Skye at 7pm! I sat down to cool off after cooling down Elle and the babes and Kyle starts up with this..."Milking was so amazing this morning! All the girls were so well behaved. it was great! The goats like me!
Uggghhhhhh....In the words of Peter...."Are you kidding me?" Honestly, I wanted to quit right there! So on went the afternoon....made some lotion, some new soaps and lip butters...felt a little better. Seven rolled around and out I went...milked everyone, but Skye leaving her for last...well almost last because Luna is last last so she can savor each and every bite of her parlor feed! :)
In comes Skye....hops right up on the stand, cleaned her udder...no kicking or leaning...turned on the pumps...nothing...no obvious screaming or anything?!? She stood there like the Princess she is until her udder was empty! I stood their dumbfounded until Joshua said to me..."Um...someone in this barn needs to apologize to Skye for trash talking her on the blog!
Gotta love Joshua Harper! Good girl! Skye...and so sorry! And yes...she got some special treats! :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Take a breath!

Everyone know how much I love my goats, but I must confess....last night I truly wanted to break Skye's legs! We weaned on Sunday and for the most part everyone is handling it fine...except for Skye. She is sitting at the gate just screaming for her baby. Because of weaning, we are training everyone on the stand and the pumps....this can be a very wonderful or very frutrating time in our lives. Unfortunately...Skye and Angie are making it tough...although Angie at least is improving daily (slightly!). Skye on the other hand is getting worse....and to increase the difficulty level, we have Joy screaming like a total freak in the background. I love my goats (especially my milk does) but I am very tired and frustrated with Skye...
Both Kyle and I are pretty maxed out! Ya know I could just go buy milk at the store!?! :) J/K....we'll make it through!
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